Important details
Sales organisation
- One sales agent can handle as many zip codes as she/he feels comfortable with
- Each zip code only has one sales agent
- Before a sale agent can cover more zip codes she/he must have done their best to cover their first zip code
- Sales agent is focused on business clients but she/he is also free to sell to consumers
- Sales agent has to give feedback once a week by email or telephone about the progress of introducing Mr. Pams to businesses and/or consumers
Build your own team
- When you plan to train new sales agents to work under you to cover more areas (zip codes) or if one zip code is too big for you to handle alone, then you can have sales agent work under you to help you cover that zip code. Just make sure to tell us this agent’s details so our webteam can add this person as authorized for that zip code. This agent under you will also earn 20% just like you and you will also get 5% because she/he is working under you.
- You will receive 5 % commission on all sales made by the sales agents working under you
- “Under you” means you bring sales agent to the Mister Pams sales team, and you train them, they become your own sales team
Commissions and draw
- Mentioned in the “Independent Contractor Agreement”
- Totally confidential
Demo Kit Organisation
- Totally free
- Mr. Pams will provide you with all the products and accessories needed for your sales to work
Delivery organisation
- Online sales : the best shipping rate is automatically calculated during checkout
- Offline sales : Shipping rate is on a case by case basis
- Delivery time : few days to two weeks depending on the quantity ordered. We grow our inventory step by step to supply all your customers in the best time possible.
Income for sales agent
- If your client (can be a business client or a consumer) purchases any bottle online via your sales agent link, you will receive a 20% commission via paypal on every order including repeat orders
- If your business client gives their WoM link to a consumer, and that consumer buys Mister Pams bottles via the WoM link of your business client, that business client will receive 5 dollars per bottle. In this case there is no commission for the sales agent because it is a consumer who used the WoM of the business client
- But if your business client gives their WoM link to another business, you will receive a 20% commission on that order and all repeat orders. These types of commissions have to be paid manually to you. So you will have to inform us of a new business under your original business client, so we can pay you a 20% commission manually
- If your original business client refers to you another business who will buy Mr. Pams without using the WoM link of the original business client then you must send your sales agent link to this new business, then you will automatically get a 20% commission and your original business client will also get some commission for the referral (how much they get will depend on a case by case basis). The 20% commission for you and the yet to be decided commission for the original business client will be paid on all repeat orders too.